The last of three readings in Colossians tells us to set our mind on things above, not on earthly things like the man who built bigger barns or the teacher who chased the wind. Yes, our struggle continues between the old and new Adams. But that old Adam has been buried with Christ, and the new man has been raised with Christ. The result is that our life is hidden with Christ in God. We do not seek worldly wealth but heavenly glory.
This second reading in the three week series from Colossians points out the reason we can be so bold in prayer. God has given us the fullness of Christ. In him we were circumcised, buried, and raised to life. Sins forgiven, we have been made children of God who have every right and encouragement to ask of God—as a child would ask his dear father.
This lesson begins a series of three readings from Paul’s letter to the congregation at Colosse. Spirit-worked appreciation for what has been given to them in Christ Jesus has led the Colossians to bear fruits of faith and love for the benefit of God’s kingdom. Paul’s prayer is that this work of the Spirit continues, not only in the hearts of the Colossians, but also in hearts of believers today. Rescued from darkness, we too know and embody the love of Christ, bearing fruit in every good work done for the love of our neighbor.
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February 2017